Book Club

Yes, we have a book club!

Our monthly meetings are held in-person on Tuesday evenings and Thursday mornings. (We offer two different meeting times for your convenience, but all members read and discuss the same book.)

Our club is open to all readers, but our book selections tend to be popular fiction written for adults or teens. Each month, we select one book to read and discuss at our next meeting. View all the books we’ve read so far…

Membership benefits include:

  • Meeting other local readers at our monthly meetings

  • Participating in the book selection process – you choose what we read!

  • 20% off our book of the month (if purchased in store)

  • Occasional giveaways at our monthly meetings

Our goal is to provide a fun and casual social activity for readers in the local community.

Thank you for your interest! Our club is currently at capacity, but you can join the waitlist to be notified when seats become available.

Join the waitlist